Mathematics laboratory: teaching functions with the use of PBL methodologies and games

Mathematics laboratory: teaching functions with the use of PBL methodologies and games

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Neimar Juliano Albano da Silva
Roberta Veloso Garcia
Estaner Claro Romão


The objective of this work is to evaluate the efficiency of the active methodologies Learning Based on Projects and Games when applied to the teaching of Functions. Both can be used as a differentiated way to stimulate student learning. According to the National Curricular Parameters in the teaching of mathematics it is necessary to initiate the students in the concepts of logical reasoning, capacity to work in groups, to develop the independence of the same in the daily life with the aid in teaching through active methodologies and in a playful way. With the use of these resources it is intended that the student learn to share the ideas and experiences with the other. These types of activities provide the student with an environment in which he is motivated to seek new learning that makes him enjoy learning. For this, this work was divided in two moments: in the first moment the students produced mathematic games that enabled them to learn in a practical way the content of functions; in a second moment the students used the methodology of Games to learn about the functions.

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