Innovative Approach To The Improvement Of Land Cadastral Information Supply

Innovative Approach To The Improvement Of Land Cadastral Information Supply

Main Article Content

K.R. Rakhmanov


Currently, there are 6 million land users operate in Uzbekistan. 75% of the Republican land fund is used at their disposal. If it is taken into account that the land cadastral data on each of them are interpreted with at least 30-40 indicators, it is obvious that there is a manifestation of the need for the organization of the creation and effective use of a very large information system. Therefore, the justification of the land information system is considered one of the pressing issues.

Article Details

Author Biography ##ver##

K.R. Rakhmanov

Docent Candidate of Economic Sciences, Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers, Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent

##references## ##ver##

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