The Dilemma of Relocation Community in Rusunawa at Jakarta

The Dilemma of Relocation Community in Rusunawa at Jakarta

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Retno Wd Tuti, N.Oneng Nurul B Mawar, Dini Gandini P


This paper describes the problems faced by the relocation community while living in a flat in Jakarta. The paper is based on the findings based on the observations made by the author in the rawabebek rusunawa, East Jakarta, where there is a tug of war between the Regional Government of DKI Jakarta and victims of relocation payments. a loss resulting in a large amount of payment for rental apartments. The flat inhabitants, who are mostly low-class residents, find it difficult to pay rent for flats because of the difficulty of finding money for living expenses including renting a house. This research is a qualitative research. Data collection is done by the method of observation, interviews, brainstorming, and literature. Some of the dilemmas that have become a problem faced by relocation communities in Rawabebek Flat include: inadequate livelihoods due to loss of livelihoods, difficulties in accessing public facilities, poor service and lack of community empowerment as needed.

Article Details

Author Biography ##ver##

Retno Wd Tuti, N.Oneng Nurul B Mawar, Dini Gandini P

University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta-Indonesia

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