Diagnosing Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge Landscape: The Case of the Mathematics Teachers in Government-Funded University

Diagnosing Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge Landscape: The Case of the Mathematics Teachers in Government-Funded University

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Patrick G. Galleto, Ninfa B. Pangilinan


Technology-pedagogy-content-based instruction in Mathematics teaching remained the forefront of educational discussion in many higher education institutions in the Philippines today. The study diagnosed the landscape of the teachers’ technological content knowledge (TCK), technological pedagogical knowledge (TPK), and technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPCK) to commence in a government-funded university in the Philippines utilizing survey method of quantitative research with questionnaire checklist. The study revealed that Mathematics teachers intensified and recognized their developing skills in online digital resources and Mathematics softwares applications. The result suggests that Mathematics teachers should be continuously equipped with the technological pedagogical content knowledge to suit the students’ needs of the current times.

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