The Model Development of Makeup Learning For Early Mentally Disabled Children in The Extraordinary Kindergarten North Sulawesi

The Model Development of Makeup Learning For Early Mentally Disabled Children in The Extraordinary Kindergarten North Sulawesi

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Ni Luh Putri, Santje S.L.Sangari


The Model Development of Self Makeup Learning for Mentally Disabled Children in the Extraordinary Kindergarten North Sulawesi. The purpose of this research 1) To describe the implementation of makeup learning in the extraordinary kindergarten, and 2) To create learning model that improves the skill of makeup. This research uses research and development procedure. This research uses analytic descriptive method. The data research collected by observation data collection technique, questionnaire, interview, and documentation, which are finally analyzed descriptively. The research’s subject are ten children and five teachers. The result of the research shows that the implementation of self-makeup learning on the beginning of learning activity that the teacher has been able to prepare the children both physically and mentally to study, (80%) achievement. The achievement on the main of learning activity has not maximum yet 69% because the training material of self makeup is not appropriate with the difficulty and the ability to learn of each student individually. The achievement on the closing lesson activity is 81%, because the teacher has been able to follow through by giving the exercise assignment to students at home individually 80%. The process of developing a developed learning model begins with needs analysis and is supported by various learning theories and principles of learning. The result of the development model is 1) Direct learning model, 2) Direct learning model physically

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Author Biography ##ver##

Ni Luh Putri, Santje S.L.Sangari

Faculty of Education, Manado State University, Indonesia

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