Effect of Ligustrazine Liposomes on Apoplexy of Focal Cerebral Ischemia in Rats

Effect of Ligustrazine Liposomes on Apoplexy of Focal Cerebral Ischemia in Rats

Main Article Content

Ruomei Che, Chen Liu, Siqi Li, Lina Zhang, Yu Wang, Linfeng Li, Haiyan Cao, Guowei Zhang


Objective: To study the efficacy of Ligustrazine liposomes in the treatment of focal cerebral ischemic stroke of rats. Method: In this study, a rat model with focal cerebral ischemia was replicated by suture embolization. The efficacy of Ligustrazine liposomes was studied by testing neurological scores, brain index, cerebral infarction index, combined with anti-thrombotic experiments in rats and platelet aggregation inhibition experiments. Result: According to the experiment, Ligustrazine liposome can ease the neurological symptoms, and decrease the cerebral infarction index in model animals, and can slow down thrombosis, reduce the severity of thrombosis, and reduce the maximum platelet aggregation rate. To some extent, Ligustrazine liposomes has anti-cerebral ischemic stroke in rats.Conclusion: This experiment proved the therapeutic effect of ligustrazine liposomes on cerebral ischemic stroke in rats, and provided a theoretical basis for the clinical use of Ligustrazine liposomes for the treatment of ischemic stroke.

Article Details

Author Biography ##ver##

Ruomei Che, Chen Liu, Siqi Li, Lina Zhang, Yu Wang, Linfeng Li, Haiyan Cao, Guowei Zhang

1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Hebei University, Baoding, China

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