MEMBERS-BASED COOPERATIVE EMPOWERMENT (A Case Study of Kopari Bina Wisata Grojogan Sewu, Tawangmangu Sub-district, Karanganyar Regency)

MEMBERS-BASED COOPERATIVE EMPOWERMENT (A Case Study of Kopari Bina Wisata Grojogan Sewu, Tawangmangu Sub-district, Karanganyar Regency)

Main Article Content

Harini .


The objectives of the research are: (1) to
analyze the external and internal conditions of
Kopari Bina Wisata Tawangmangu; (2) to
elaborate member-based cooperative
empowerment activity of Kopari Bina Wisata
Tawangmangu; and (3) to design a model of
member-based cooperative empowerment.
This study applied a case study approach.
The research setting is Kopari Bina Wisata,
Tawangmangu Sub-district, Karanganyar
Regency. The sample was taken using purposive
sampling. The data were got using observation,
interview, and focus group discussion. The data
were analyzed using interactive model of analysis.
Based on the research findings, it can be
concluded that based on external and internal
analysis, Kopari Bina Wisata Tawangmangu has
potential and power to be developed/empowered.
The empowerment activities include: members,
business, environment, and organizational
empowerment. The appropriate empowerment
model is member-based cooperative
empowerment because the success of cooperative
empowerment depends on the members having
central position as the owner, controllers, and
The results of empowerment achieved by
Kopari Bina Wisata Tawangmangu demonstrate
the cooperative powerless because of the lack of
members’ involvement. The members’
involvement includes the savings and loan
transaction, RAT or the activities in cooperative
organization, so that it is necessary to conduct
members-based empowerment.

Article Details

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