Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

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Is the JSAE journal peer-reviewed?


      All articles published in journal have been peer-reviewed.


Can I submit my manuscript to you even though it is published elsewhere?


      No. JSAE journal only consider original articles. Articles must not have been published in any other journal.


How long will it take to peer review my manuscript?


      We aim to provide a service that is faster than traditional journals, without compromising the quality of the peer review process. Most manuscript accepted in JSAE go through the peer review process in one months or less.


When should I submit my papers? Are there any deadlines?


       You can submit your manuscript at anytime. Your papers will be published in the upcoming issue once the papers are accepted and passed the peer-reviewing process.


Does JSAE provide a template for preparing a manuscript?


      Yes, for your convenience JSAE has developed a template to help you prepare your manuscript.


Is there any particular paper format?


      JSAE accept the final papers according to the JSAE paper template. The set of papers should be submitted to JMCR in DOC/DOCX format.


Do I need to submit the copyright form along with the manuscript?


      No, copyright forms shall be accepted by JSAE only if the submission is accepted for publication.

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