The Portrait of Education in The Indonesia- Malaysia Border Area

The Portrait of Education in The Indonesia- Malaysia Border Area

Main Article Content

Mawar, Retnowati WD Tuti Nida Handayani, M.Sahrul


Background. The condition of education in the Indonesia- Malaysia border area is very striking. In Malaysia, the school is well built and equipped with representative facilities and infrastructure. While in the Indonesian  border area such conditions were not found. So it is not surprising that many people in the border choose schools in Sarawak rather than schools in their own country. The West Kalimantan land border with Sarawak East Malaysia stretches for 966 kilometers, has an area of around 2.1 million hectares. The West Kalimantan border with Sarawak Malaysia covers 5 regencies, namely; Sambas, Bengkayang, Sanggau, Sintang and Kapuas Hulu Regencies with 15 Districts and 98 Villages. The border communities carry out their daily activities related to socio-economic tend to go to Sarawak, rather than their own country because the access is closer, easier and the availability of easier transportation facilities. The Indonesia - Malaysia border area has more than 50 paths connecting more than 55 villages in West  Kalimantan with 32 villages in Sarawak. The conditions of social welfare, economy, education and life skills of border communities lag behind compared to the Sarawak community. Improving the quality of education at the border is an important step to strengthen the national defense system on the front porch of the nation through education and culture. Increasing access to education at the border can remove the stigma of national political inequalities regarding increasing resources and infrastructure, and making citizens in border areas feel  part of the unitary state of Indonesia. Solutions that can be given from the above problems include changing social systems related to the education system and improving teacher quality and student achievement and infrastructure readiness.

Article Details

Author Biography ##ver##

Mawar, Retnowati WD Tuti Nida Handayani, M.Sahrul

University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta

##references## ##ver##

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