Ameliorative Effect of Vitamin C And E Against The Toxicity of Nitrogen Dioxide Gas on Clotting Factors in Albino Rats

Ameliorative Effect of Vitamin C And E Against The Toxicity of Nitrogen Dioxide Gas on Clotting Factors in Albino Rats

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Rafat Khan, Asha Agarwal


In the present study, ameliorative effect of vitamin C and E against the nitrogen dioxide gas toxicity on blood plasma factors   Fibrinogen deficiency plasma (FDP), Prothombin time(PT) , Partial thromboplastin time (PTT), Activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) ,Thrombin time (TT) and calcium ions(Ca++) were studied  in both the sexes of albino rats.A significant  increase in plasma fibrinogen deficiency plasma level (FDP) and a significant decrease in protrombin time (PT), partial thromboplastin time (PTT), activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT), thrombin time  (TT) and calcium ions  have been reported  in both the sexs of albino rats after exposure  to 50ppm  nitrogen dioxide gas  for 45 days for one hour per day. A significant variation in plasma clotting factors is accompanied with inflammation and oxidative stress induced by toxic inhalation of nitrogen dioxide gas. Rats of equal size and weight (150-200gm) were kept in standard laboratory conditions and divided into three groups containing ten rats in each   group. GroupI is control set, group II and group III are experimental sets. control set I was unexposed, set II  was exposed to  50ppm  nitrogen dioxide gas alone, while set III was exposed to 50ppm nitrogen dioxide gas along -with supplementation of antioxidants vitamin C (5mg/rat) and vitamin E (2.5mg/rat) for one hour per day for 45 days. Results of present study shows that experimental set II shows disorders in clotting factors induced by nitrogen dioxide gas in comparison to control set I, while set III shows mitigation in disorder in clotting factors by supplementation of antioxidants vitamin C and E in comparison to experimental set II.Present study Reveal that toxicity of nitrogen dioxide gas have been attenuated by supplementation of vitamin C and E due to antioxidant defence mechanism in both the sexes of albino rats.

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Author Biography ##ver##

Rafat Khan, Asha Agarwal

Department of Zoology, School of life sciences, Khandari Campus, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar University, Agra 282002, India

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