A Study To Find The Effect of Spirometry Exercise in Controlling Pain Among CABG Patients During Ambulation in A Selected Hospital, WB

A Study To Find The Effect of Spirometry Exercise in Controlling Pain Among CABG Patients During Ambulation in A Selected Hospital, WB

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Jharna Ghosh


Analgesics are not always effective in eliminating post-operative Pain .There  are so many Non- Pharmacological interventions which can be done by the nurse researcher to recover patients from pain  and  help in early  ambulation as well as improve quality of life.

The investigator conducted, ‘A study to find the effect of spirometry exercise in controlling pain among post CABG patients during ambulation in a selected hospital, Kolkata , West Bengal .’

The objective of the study: To assess the level of pain among post CABG patients practicing spirometry exercise during ambulation, To find the effect of spirometry exercise in terms of reduction of pain during ambulation and to find the association between pain score and selected variables.

The investigator adopted purposive research sampling technique with time-series research design. The total sample size was 40.  Here the investigator used two tools for data collection – selected variables and universal pain scale (simple descriptive numerical pain scale) to assess pain score. The data were analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics. Investigator found that the mean pain score is reduced gradually after practising spirometry exercise during different stages of ambulation (rest to sitting, sitting to standing and after walking around the bed). The findings of the study revealed that the ‘t’ value was not significant during 1st stage of ambulation i.e.at rest to sitting (2.016) but was significant at sitting to standing (3.959) and after walking (4.495) at 0.05 level of significance. Therefore, effectiveness of spirometry exercise in controlling pain during ambulation is established. Study also revealed that there was association of pain-score with selected variables. The findings of the study can be implicated  on nursing education, administration, practice and in further research.




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Author Biography ##ver##

Jharna Ghosh